April 30, 2008

Spring Cleanup
April... time for Spring-cleaning and to take stock and inventory of all the stuff we've accumulated throughout the year. Time to decide what to keep, what actually enhances our lives, and what clutters up our lives bringing us stress unawares. The benefit to de-cluttering, aside from the obvious, is that it reduces a stronghold of stress. Let's face it ladies, we are (most of us) by nature, savers and keepers. I mean you just never know when you are going to need that fourth throw blanket you bought on sale for the living room couch, and because you paid good money for the other three, you keep them all out on display. Some "casually" cascading over the arms of the chairs, others folded over the top of the sofa, ala' granny style. These are the kinds of things that before we know it take over our homes and lives. Clutter equals confusion, and must be dealt with.

Less is More
One of the first things that a home stager does for those trying to sell their home is to ask the homeowner to remove a good portion of their furniture and accessories. Only then can the real decorating that will show a home to its best advantage begin. This is the first principle of interior decorating, "less is more". In other words, what is not there is as important as what is there. When decorating your home, consider that a single item displayed on a bookcase or counter top can make more of an impact than 3 or 4 items that are all bunched together. The reason is because it's difficult for the eye to focus on more than one time at once. What often happens is the eye simply slides across multiple items without actually seeing any one of them. There is a reason why art galleries choose to display a single work of art on a wall. It allows the viewer to fully assess and appreciate the value and beauty of the piece without distraction. I'm not saying your home should look like an art gallery, but you get the point.

Become a Clutter Critic
It is possible to train your eye to recognize clutter and it's confusing and debilitating affects. The next time you visit a shopping mall look at the window displays. What catches your eye? Which windows look most elegant? Which look overstuffed, or gaudy? You can apply the same test to magazines at the newsstands. I always go for the issue with the most understated and elegant cover design, and shun the ones that are screaming twenty-five different decorating concepts jammed onto one cover. Your natural eye should be able to tell you which is most appealing. Soon you'll be able to apply the less is more principle to your own decorating.

Ready, Willing, and Able
So, you would really like to declutter your space and create a more simple, calming atmosphere in your home. Sometimes all that needs to be done in order improve the appearance of a room is to simply rearrange things so that the best items you own are showcased and displayed to their best advantage. This may mean storing, selling, or giving away some things. Start by picking a small "catch-all" area of your home and collect everything in a box or basket. Sort through it and throw out anything that is outdated or unnecessary. Separate what you love from what you are just hanging on to. You need to get rid of things that have no particular reason for being there and toss them. If there are a lot of sentimentally valued items, put them in a box. Label and store them in the basement or attic. One day you will find them again and be able to reminisce over them, but for now, they do not need to be taking up valuable living space. Use pretty wicker storage baskets for keeping things tidy and out of sight. I like to use the same shape and size baskets for a neater, more uniform appearance. Another thing that tends to clutter a home are houseplants. I think greenery, whether silk or live, can certainly make a beautiful statement in a room. They should be used sparingly though, as accents, not overpowering a room. Unless it's a solarium, one or two per room is sufficient.

I hope this helps you as you get on with your spring-cleaning and de-cluttering projects. Please send any questions or comments you have regarding your interior decorating projects. I will be happy to read and answer them promptly and look forward to hearing from you!